Keto Spiced Chicken And Eggplant Skewers Easy Recipe

Keto Spiced Chicken And Eggplant Skewers. Is your stomach hungry? Want a light meal? Then this Keto spiced chicken and eggplant skewers recipe are for you.

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It is very simple and delicious for lunch. Let’s start making your friends with the tag. Skewers are always a fun idea. It is a wonderfully easy recipe with a great texture and taste. Together let’s explore the Indian culinary space with the irresistible spiced chicken eggplant skewers. An Indian classic dish that is loved by many. It is spiced, creamy and absolutely mouth-watering.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you peel eggplant before roasting?

You don’t. The skin is fully edible, though with larger eggplants it can be a little tough. If you’re blazing the eggplant whole in the oven or on the grill, leave the skin on, then after roasting, let it cool, and scoop out the flesh.

Can you cook eggplant in the microwave?

With the help of a fork, pierce eggplant all over 12 to 16 times. We have to place eggplant on a microwavable plate. Microwave it on high till eggplant is soft, slightly bloated, and cooked through about 6 minutes.


Ingredients required for Keto Spiced chicken and eggplant skewers:

    500 grams chicken

    1 garlic clove

    1 tablespoon grained mustard

    1 teaspoon dried thyme

    2 tablespoons lemon juice

    1 tablespoon honey

   5 tablespoons olive oil

   2 zucchini

  2 long, thin eggplant

   1 cucumber


   Parsley (for garnish)

How to prepare Keto Spiced chicken and eggplant skewers:

1.   Firstly, we have to wash the chicken and dry it.

2.  Then we have to peel the garlic, chop finely and mix it with the mustard, thyme, lime juice, honey and oil.

3.  Then we have to marinate the diced chicken in the oil and keep it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

4.  Now we have to wash the zucchini, eggplant and cucumber.

5.  Then we have to cut everything into uniform approximately 1 cm thick slices.

6.  Add salt according to taste.

7.  Take wooden skewers and alternately skewer the vegetables and cook it for around 10 minutes and cook well from both sides.

8.  Enjoy them with parsley.


Nutritional Information for Keto Spiced chicken and eggplant skewers:











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